


Developed by Amanita Design


Samorost2 is one of the classic point and click adventure games on Steam. It’s a beautiful atmospheric world that encourages you to explore with minimal options given to you to find solutions and progress to the next screen. You play the role of a space gnome on a mission to find his lost dog which has been kidnapped by aliens. Along the way, you come across many interesting environments and characters. An extremely short game, this will last the average person a little over an hour, but that time is quality and the game is relatively inexpensive at $4.99.

The gameplay is you clicking around the environment interacting with objects. Really that is it. There are no inventory screens and no free movement. The complexity of puzzles only get as difficult as having to time your clicks on different items just right in order to make things succeed. The puzzles never get overly difficult, but at times you will need to pixel hunt just to figure out the next thing you are supposed to click to progress. I never had troubles finding a puzzle solution, though sometimes the execution proved to be a bit more difficult than I would have liked. While the game doesn’t support a save system, each level does have passwords so that you can return to any of them with a simple entry in to a text field.

Samorost2 is the sequel to a free Flash game and is pretty old and the design of the platforming is starting to show it’s age. The graphics look amazing and stylized still, but the gameplay mechanics could really use some work. Flash just is no longer a viable option for creating a game. The game is completely playable, but it just shows its age at every corner. The music is incredibly atmospheric and sounds really great. This is some nice relaxing music that I would listen to outside of the game.

My only issue with this game is how some of the timing is extremely difficult and later in the game you are actually punished by messing up the puzzles by forcing you to do earlier elements multiple times. The last section of this game took me four attempts to do where I had to repeat the same actions over and over in order to get back to the final section to do one more attempt. This was frustrating design and I wish they had approached it differently.

It’s really hard to say more about this game because of how basic it is. This is definitely a game I would recommend to anyone looking to play a nice short point and click game. The atmosphere is fantastic and the puzzles are creative and smart. The game is never overly complex and I never felt completely stuck. There were some moments of anger and saltiness, but overall this is a fun short experience. If you are feeling questionable about it, you can check out Samorost1 on the Internet for free.

For the boring statistics part of this game, I played it for 1 hour and 42 minutes.  I completed the game in much more time than it should have taken due to some issues with late game puzzles and some distractions.

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